Record Labels

Here are some of the records I have collected. It is mostly typical stuff, but there are a few very interesting labels in the groups. I am particularly interested in the very old records from 1900-1930 as well as very artistic labels. However, when an interesting or fun record is found, it always ends up in the collection. I have separated Canadian labels and European labels and divided the American labels between pre-1945 and post-1945. Since Victor and Columbia were so prolific, they both rate separate sections. Click on any photo to drill down to that group then click on any photo to see the larger image.

Early Acoustic Lateral

Early Acoustic Vertical

American record labels 1920 - mid-1940's

American record labels mid-1940's - 1960's

Columbia records

Victor records

Canada, Mexico, Caribbean record labels

European and Mediterranean record labels

Last updated 01/11/2022 - JAT