* 1913

VV X Spindle Leg

This 1913 Victor Victrola X is the Queen Anne or Spindle Leg model, named for the open legwork supporting the machine. The Queen Anne was only manufactured between 1912 - 1913 due to disappointing customer acceptance of the machines fragile legs. The VV-X started out as a table top (few remaining), then was extended to a floor model with this version (few remaining), then replaced with the more prevalent full cabinet floor model that is one of the most common models remaining today. This is an oak model.

The machine was found via Craigslist and was is uncared-for condition, having been tucked away in several attics and basements through the years. It was complete except for the incorrect crank which has since been replaced with a correct crank. The oak cabinet cleaned up nicely and has only a couple small chips in the veneer. The nickel metal parts were not pitted or badly tarnished and cleaned up, shined up very well. The Exhibition reproducer was rebuilt and looks great, plays great. I hope to replace the missing crank very soon.

This is not a rare machine, but it is rather uncommon and quite collectible - especially in oak.

Before - tarnished and dirty